What Lies Between The Sheets Read online

Page 7

  “I’ll try.”

  I got into Aaron’s car and we drove off down the road. “Jamal, you have the best luck I know.”

  “Why you say that?”

  “You lose your fiancé, and instead of running into a complete drought, you have a plethora of ladies that are intrigued by your persona.”

  “Nah, Women just love good conversations and I love to talk.”

  “Would you like some advice from an old friend?”

  Most people hate it when someone said a statement like that because it usually is the anti-thesis of what you’re saying or doing.

  I reclined in the passenger seat and braced myself for what he was about to say. “Shoot.”

  “Don’t lose your edge and lose sight of what’s important.”

  “What you talking about man? I’m not doing anything.”

  “All I’m saying is that fun is fun, but eventually you have to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.”

  Maybe he was trying to tell me something important or maybe he was just jealous of all the attention that I was getting. “Relax with all that man, I told you I was just chilling right now.”

  “Okay. Just remember, when you lose sight of what’s important, you lose everything.” I started to become annoyed because he sounded like a border line hater but that couldn’t be the case, he was my boy.

  “You’re taking this thing too serious when there is no need to because I got this. After what happened with Sheila, I’m not trying to get serious with anyone anytime soon.” Truth always hurts no matter who or where you are. I just wasn’t in the mood to hear what I should or shouldn’t be doing. Aaron quickly decided to break this brief silence and mend any broken fences.

  “Hey, my bad man I’m not your pops or anything but it’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt or caught up in some bullshit.”

  “I respect that, no harm done. I’ve just been kind of on edge lately; you know how it is sometimes.”

  “Like I always say, you can always come and talk to me because we go way back.”

  “Years Aaron, years,” we give one another dap and squash any problems.

  Later that evening at my crib, Sasha and the kids were enjoying a lovely evening watching movies and playing board games. Any onlooker would have assumed we were a real family spending quality time together and having fun. Sasha was kind enough to come over because she saw no reason for me to do any traveling given my injury. The funny thing is that if a woman really cares about you, the pampering never stops.

  “You feel okay?”

  “I’m in a little pain but I’ll be okay.”

  “You sure you don’t want to take some medicine for the discomfort?”

  “Maybe I should take something.”

  Sasha noticed me reaching for my cane; “Where do you think you’re going? Stay right on this couch I’ll get it for you.”

  “It’s cool; I can get it because you were nice enough to come over.”

  “I don’t mind getting it for you honey, so just relax, put your feet up, and tell me where the medicine cabinet is.”

  “It’s in the bathroom. Thank you.”

  Sasha returned shortly carrying a Tylenol bottle. “Here, sit up so you won’t choke. She gently fluffed the pillow for me and propped it behind my head. “What do you feel like watching Jamal?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever you want to watch is cool with me.”

  “I remember there are a few James Bond episodes coming on tonight. Is that cool with you?”

  “007… No doubt, He is the coolest white guy on television. Phil Jackson is the next in line.”

  “Yeah I know. Which actor is your favorite 007?”

  “No other than Sean Connery.”

  “He is one of the best but I have to say I love Pierce brosnan because he has a level of sexiness with his younger age that Connery didn’t really have until he became older.”

  “I’ll leave that one alone.”

  We laughed and shared small talk as we continued to watch TV. Hours later everyone was sleeping in the same positions they were in hours earlier. The only one not as comfortable was Sasha. She had rubbed my head until I fell asleep like a mother consoling a child.


  “Sasha.” I whispered once more and she murmured back in response, “Hmmm?”

  “Move over for a second.”

  “Where are you going?” Sasha’s voice was sexier when she was sleepy. I hopped to get a quilt and a pillow so we can both lie more comfortably.

  “Sit up for a second.” She sat up and I pulled a coffee table over to prop my foot and then guided her to lie on me and I put my arm on her neck. Sasha placed her hand on my midsection and fell asleep almost instantaneously. This was one of the moments in life that had to be cherished. Times like this made me really miss coming home to someone. The next morning I woke up to the smell of French toast in my house and opened my eyes to find out if I was dreaming. Looking toward the kitchen, I saw the children sitting at the table eating what appeared to be oatmeal and toast.

  “Good morning sir,” said Jason followed by Shanice. I love polite children. Sasha was doing pretty well as a single parent. Some men would have been offended in my shoes because she was in my kitchen cooking without my knowledge or consent. It didn’t matter to me one bit. It had been so long since I had someone cooking without me asking or begging. The situation was kind of cool to me.

  “Morning Jamal… I was just going to surprise you with breakfast so you didn’t have to be on your ankle too much. I apologize for not asking you first.”

  “No, no, no it’s cool with me. Thank you.”

  I’m not that damn stupid. My mother raised me with some common sense. I could’ve been eating breakfast all alone or at some diner but this was special. What was she up to? I began thinking that she was being too nice, so she must have had another agenda. Playing along was the best way to see where this road was going to lead me. She was terrific but I could not forget that even the sweetest girls didn’t stay that way for long. Maybe I was over analyzing her; maybe her feelings for me were really genuine.

  “How is your ankle feeling?”

  “It is a little better, not as painful, but very sore.”

  “I have quite a few errands to run but I will be home later so if you need me just call me okay.”

  “No doubt! By the way… Thanks again for the breakfast. It was slamming.”

  “Thanks, I learned how to cook from my grandmother.”

  “She taught you well girl! And thanks again.”

  “You’re welcome Jamal; call me later at home okay.”

  Sasha and the children left me with my thoughts and I began thinking how fast shit was happening and my loss of control over certain things. The thought of my behavior made me realize that I was drastically changing. The guilt was starting to eat at me and made me rationalize the situation. A funny thing happened, I still didn’t let go of what happened with Sheila. It became my excuse for immorality. It’s my turn to shine. Indeed, I was becoming a new man; the question was whether I was becoming a better man.

  A few hours later, as I came out of the shower, there was a knock at my door.

  “Who is it?”

  “Open the door. It’s your boys.”


  I buzzed them in and laughed to myself realizing that I can always count on them to look out for me. As soon as I opened the door, Eli and Aaron rushed me and tossed me on the couch in a playful manner.

  “What up punk,” yelled Eli as he tries to hold me down on the couch.

  “Man, you better get off of me before I toss you on the floor dude.”

  Eli eases off of me and said, “Do you feel better man?”

  “Yeah just a little sore, it actually looks worse than it feels.”

  “So, tell me about this fine nurse you met in the emergency room,” said Eli.

  Remembering how Imani looked in her scrubs sent chills down my spine. I clasped
my hands together as I began to give Eli the details. “Dude, she’s banging and her name is Imani, she’s from Brazil.”

  “Imani? Doesn’t sound like a Brazilian name to me.”

  “Well she looks more Ethiopian or East African but that wouldn’t be impossible because the largest concentrations of African and people of African descent outside of the continent Africa are in Brazil. She could be second or third generation.”

  “I hear that,” said Eli and then Aaron quickly gets to the point of their visit. “We were heading to the mall and wanted to know if you had the time to chill with your boys for a few hours, you know, like old times.”

  “Of course.” Hanging out with the guys was exactly what I needed to clear my head.

  Later at the mall, we were sitting at the food court people watching.

  “I’m so glad we could chill like this. It’s been a minute since we all just kicked it and nowadays time flies.”

  “Tell me about it Aaron.”

  “Thanksgiving is less than ten days from now and it doesn’t even feel like it. So who are you bringing to Aaron’s crib?”

  “To tell you the truth, I don’t really know. I mean… I’m not really in the holiday mood.”

  Aaron looked at me with concern; “Why?”

  “I have plenty of reasons and it’s not just because of that bullshit with Sheila.” Most disclaimers of insecure or unstable people are the actual reason that they don’t want to do something. Could you blame me? That woman embarrassed me in front of all my friends and family. It would be very awkward to show up without a relationship in place. I was living in the fast lane and I was just trying to pick up the pieces of my life. The potential onslaught of questions was enough of a turn off for me not to show up. Aaron was a man never to pry and replied by saying, “No rush, just think about it because you know you can grub at my place.”

  “Speaking of grub,” said Eli, “I am really starving and could go for some food right about now.”

  “I feel you on that,” And just like that, the subject had changed. As my stomach grumbled, I realized that my watch had stopped and needed a new battery.

  “So what we eating?” Aaron rubbed his chest and looked around.

  “Ya’ll go head and grab something I’m going to run and get a battery for my watch.”

  The guys nod their heads and Aaron said, “Do your thing, I am going to get some Chinese food, what you feel like munching on?”

  “Ah… Anything, some orange chicken and a large cup of lemonade.” Nodding his head, Aaron walked away with Eli.

  Although I felt like I was in control of my emotions, the thirst was still very prevalent in my persona. The first dead giveaway was the fact that as I approached the counter, I took notice of a beautiful Hispanic woman, 5’2” with a perfect physique. I’m taller than her by almost a foot and yet I can’t help staring at her fat thighs and C cups.

  “Can I help you sir?” Her breath smells like peppermints as I lean in to take in more of her.

  “Yes you can, actually all I need is a new battery for my watch.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Do you know what size you need?”

  “I don’t have a single clue about what kind of battery my watch uses.”

  This beautiful woman simply smiled and unfastened my watch. The worst part of this whole conversation was that I couldn’t resist pushing the envelope and flirting some more. The first indication to a guy that a woman wants to converse is continuity in initial conversation.

  “You seem like you like watches,” she said.

  “Yes I do Ms.…?”

  “Velasquez… Maria Velasquez.” She definitely wants to talk so I reply in kind by introducing myself as well.

  “Jamal Styles.”

  “Nice to meet you. But as I was saying since you like watches why not try to buy one that doesn’t require a battery ever.”

  “That sounds hot, what you mean? Like those kinetic watches right?”

  “Exactly, I’ll even give you a first time discount.”

  At this point I should’ve stopped especially since Sasha and I were kind of going out now. Alas, the temptation to try a little harder was so strong I simply gave in to my weaker side. “Does that discount come with anything else?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like dinner, a museum trip, or Salsa night because I would love to learn how to dance Salsa.”

  Maria smiles and said, “You can’t dance Salsa?”

  “Not at all.” Her response to my probing was good because she never said no.

  “Well you kind of caught me off guard. What made you think I knew how?”

  “A Latino that doesn’t have a clue about Salsa is like a brother from Brooklyn saying he can’t play any basketball.” Maria started laughing and blushed.

  “No pressure Maria. I think you have a beautiful smile and I would really love to learn more about you.” Maria remained silent with a girlish smile. “Can’t you see me limping for you?”

  “I’m no expert.”

  “Well then we can learn together Maria,” I look deeper into her eyes as I lick my lips.

  “I’d like that actually.” And just like that I made a connection. Maria wrote her number on the back of her business card and said, “Call me soon!”

  “I hope it’s sooner than later.”

  After putting Maria’s card away, I limped back toward the food court to get my food because I was definitely starving. I caught up to my boys sitting and they must have been as hungry as I was because they had already begun to devour their lunch.

  “Get your watch fixed?” asked Eli with a mouth full of food.

  “Yeah, everything is straight now, but don’t kill yourself choking on that slice of pizza. What happened to the Chinese food?”

  “Check it, we saw a man hurling about a minute ago and they had to rush him to the hospital, so you know I had to ask why he was sick; he said it was the Chinese food. Although I know Jamal wouldn’t mind seeing that fine nurse again,” said Eli with a grin. “By the way, what was her name again?”


  Aaron gave me a strange look as her name rolled off of my tongue. At this point I could tell he didn’t like the idea of me possibly dating multiple women and still hanging out with Sasha. He quickly diverted the conversation, “So are ya’ll coming to my house for Thanksgiving or what?”

  Eli looks at me and said, “Wait… A couple of months ago, you said we were going to drive to your parents’ house.” I wasn’t really in the mood for a million questions. Growing up, when something bothered you, you ran home or called for your mother so she could make you feel better. Also when you were in trouble or had a bad report card, you did everything to avoid the wrath of your mother’s belt, strap, or extension cord. I was no longer a child and beatings stopped a long time ago, but a mother still knows how to deal with her kids, even the grown ones. I just was not ready to explain the fact that I wanted to be selfish.

  “Actually guys, I’m not sure where I’m going but I think Sasha might have something planned so if she does, I’ll be going to her crib and if not then I might be bringing them to Aaron’s crib.”

  “That’s cool with me,” said Aaron, “because you guys know my doors stay open.”

  We ate and then we headed back to my crib to watch the football game, but with the thought of Thanksgiving coming very soon, I was stressed out. I pretend to be tired and they got the message.

  “We’re going to head out and let you get some rest.”

  “Yeah, I have some things to take care of as well.”

  Aaron and Eli got up and began to walk towards the door.

  “Guys come on, don’t mind me. You can chill here.”

  “It’s cool; I need to get some rest myself.” Eli stretched before putting his jacket on. “I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.”

  “Well okay guys thanks for coming to cheer me up. I’ll get up with ya’ll later.”

  After my boys left, sile
nce draped over my apartment leaving me alone with my thoughts for the rest of the night.

  Chapter 4: Big Eyed

  It was Thanksgiving morning and I decided to take Sasha and the kids over to Aaron’s. For some odd reason, I had butterflies in my stomach that would not subside. This was the first holiday in almost two years that someone actually wanted to go somewhere with me as opposed to me following her, which always seemed to be the case with Sheila. Sasha was a very sensitive and strong African American woman that was holding things down all by herself. In the absence of the children’s father, she seemed to be doing pretty good with her son Jason. The thing that made me nervous that particular morning was not so much Sasha growing closer to me but the fact that she said she had two important things to tell me. She actually wanted to tell me yesterday but thought since we were going to Aaron’s house today, it would be better to do it in person.